Policies & Regulations
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Research & Development Policy
To ensure best practice principles and arrangements, we support our researchers in every step of the way. Our Research & Development Policy consolidates policies, procedures and guidelines covering all aspects involved in incubating and innovating novel products and services designed to enable sustainable development. Through this document, we establish and sustain sound procurement and compensation policies in administering research projects, and reinforce the principles and practices that form the cornerstone of our research integrity.
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Research Misconduct Policy
At GORD Institute, we take research integrity and ethical conduct very seriously with zero tolerance against any form of dishonesty or misconduct. In safeguarding our research work against fabrication, falsification and plagiarism, GORD Institute's Research Misconduct Policy serves as a guiding document for our researchers. In upholding our ethical standards and research credibility, the document governs all research activities conducted under GORD Institute regardless of the source of funding, and applies to any person affiliated with the Institute.