Seed germination and growth performance of Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) Juss ex Schult
The present investigation emphasizes the significance and conservation values of an important medicinal plant Aerva javanica for sustainable utilization and urban landscaping in Arabian Desert. Seeds of A. javanica germinated well under laboratory as well as nursery conditions, indicating their little dormancy. Germination percentage was significantly higher under darkness as compared to light at lower temperature (15/25 °C). Despite the seeds attained highest germination percentage (81%) in the darkness at the low temperature, it was...
Ethnobotanical magnitude towards sustainable utilization of wild foliage in Arabian Desert
The present investigation was deals with identifying traditional uses of medicinal plants for curing a variety of ailments and degree of religious conservation for retention of ethnobotanical knowledge. The study was carried out in the State of Qatar to document the ethnobotanical uses of 58 medicinally important plant species including identification, botanical name, Arabic name, family, habit, habitat, distribution pattern, and the plant parts used for curing variety of ailments. The documented species belong to...