Seed maturation time influences the germination requirements of perennial grasses in desert climate of Arabian Gulf
Qatar has a dry, subtropical desert climate, with minimum annual rainfall and intensely hot and humid summers. Using indigenous grass, those adapted to local conditions have the potential to be used for fodder and can also be used for restoration or rehabilitation of degraded rangelands. Chloris virgata, Coelachyrum brevifolium and Cenchrus ciliaris bloom twice a year from April to May (summer) and September to October (winter) under the nursery condition. Therefore, it is important to...
Germination Patterns of Dimorphic Achenes in Launaea nudicaulis (Asteraceae) Growing in Desert Environments
Launaea nudicaulis (Asteraceae) produces two morphologically distinct types of achenes (whitish brown and black) in a single capitulum. All L. nudicaulis achenes have a pappus and pappi were removed artificially in this study for experimental purposes. The germination of achenes of both colours, with and without pappi, under various temperature regimes and illumination conditions was tested. Different coloured achenes showed differences in their mass and germination behavior. Whitish brown achenes (with and without pappi) displayed...
Ecological role of distinct fruit-wing perianth color in synchronization of seed germination in Haloxylon salicornicum
Haloxylon salicornicum is a perennial shrub that grows in sandy and stony desert areas. This species produces two types of dispersal unit with yellow and pink winged perianths that are wind dispersed. This species has been considered as an excellent sand binder and can tolerate extreme temperature, drought and salinity. We compared the germination characteristics of both colored dispersal units (with and without a wing) under various light, temperature and salinity treatments. It was found...
[Seed dormancy of Ochradenus baccatus (Resedaceae), a shrubby species from Arabian desert regions, Dormición de semillas de Ochradenus baccatus (Resedaceae), una especie arbustiva de las regiones desérticas arábicas]
Ochradenus baccatus is a perennial glycophyte growing in Middle East and it is one of the most important food sources for many animal species in desert regions. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of seed storage, light, temperature and gibberellic acid (GA3) on germination of O. baccatus seeds. We also investigated the germination characteristics of O. baccatus seeds under different saline concentration and their capability to recover germination once they were...
[Seed colour affects light and temperature requirements during germination in two Lotus species (Fabaceae) of the Arabian subtropical deserts, El color de la semilla afecta los requerimientos de luz y temperatura durante la germinación en dos especies de Lotus (Fabaceae) de los desiertos subtropicales Árabes]
Heterogeneity in seeds mostly occurs due to physiological, environmental and genetic factors, and these could affect seed dormancy and germination. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess the effect of seed colour on germination behavior. For this, both light and temperature requirements were assessed in Lotus glinoides and Lotus halophilus (Fabaceae) from the hyper-arid deserts of the United Arab Emirates. Germination was assessed in terms of both final germination level (percentage) and germination...
Influence of aerial seed banks on germination response in three desert plant species
Aims To determine if the germination response of desert plant species to a period of aerial storage in field conditions (i.e. mature seeds that remain attached to the parent plant) is comparable to seeds harvested at maturity and stored in ambient laboratory conditions, to better understand the role of aerial seed bank in the germination ecology of desert plants, using one annual and two perennial species. Methods Seeds of three desert plants (Anastatica hierochuntica, Blepharis...
Perianth colour affects germination behaviour in wind-pollinated Salsola rubescens in Arabian deserts
Salsola rubescens Franch. is a wind-pollinated halophytic shrub that produces fruits with red and yellow winged perianths. Germinability of seeds from both fruit types was determined under various light, temperature, and salinity treatments. Red seeds, with and without winged perianths, were heavier than yellow seeds. Germination percentage and germination rate index (speed) were significantly affected by the perianth colour, presence of wings, and temperature and light of incubation and most of their interactions. Germination percentage...